
Qualitative Analysis

We used affinity diagram on Figma to sort out the qualitative feedback we observed and got from user interview.

The Indeed part of Affinity Diagram

Quantitative Analysis

Participant Demographics

SUS Score

SUS Analysis
SUS score distribution among 3 websites

Timing Analysis

Success Rate


Completely Success

  • Success rate = 100%
  • Found a job that totally fitted the requirements in the persona and expectation
  • Complete the task in 7 minutes

Partial Success

  • Success rate = 80%
  • Found a job that has no more than 3 differences from the requirements
  • Complete the task in 7 minutes

Failed / Timed out

  • Success rate = 0%
  • Failed to complete the task or found a job that has more than 3 difference
  • Does not complete the task in 7 minutes

Correlation between SUS and Easy Rate



LinkedIn got the overall best performance, but Indeed has better success rate and same easy rate as LinkedIn.

Suggestions & Feedbacks

Positive Feedbacks

  1. Clean and sleek UI
  2. The filter is conspicuous & easy to access
  3. Skill set filters - differentiator
  4. No need to log in to search & access job opportunities

Negative Feedbacks

  1. Search results do not match the filter
  2. Job description can be organized better


  • First experience with a full-fledged UX research project for most of us
  • Became familiar with the research process and methodologies (benchmarking, heuristic evaluation, testing moderation etc.)
  • Preparedness - technical checks:
  • Often overlooked but a crucial part of of the usability testing process
  • Imperative to ensure that participants’ equipment is functioning properly & compatible with what we are having them user test
  • Also provides the opportunity for participants to ‘warm up’ to the process, making the actual user testing experience less intimidating

What we can improve

  • Randomize order in which participants test out sites: Avoid order bias - respondents tend to favor objects because of their position in a list or sequence. Objects in the front and back tend to be more memorable
  • Increase number of participants in our usability test - gain more statistically significant insights with larger sample size
  • Persona - participants struggled with the amount of information they were offered. We should make it more concise so as not to overwhelm participants with information that they feel obligated to use in the user testing