Design Your Life

Apply design thinking on life planning and through this process to explore myself.
Designer, Producer
Sep, 2018 - Jan, 2019
Hingis Chang
Procreate, Social Media (i.e. Facebook, Instagram)
"Life is about giving, I want to design the best way of giving."


This concept is adopted from the book "Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life" written by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. Design is where everything be developed, life can also be design, too. The core value is to apply design thinking process to our real life, in order to help people clarify what their life goal and how they can achieve it by designing.

Design thinking focuses on finding problems before finding answers. There is no standard answer in life. In this project, I used the innovative methodology of design thinking to explore and define the problems I face in my life and come up with unique solutions. I also execute some prototype testing with action plans and continue to iterate and optimize during the process. My friends and I also evaluated each others' designs and grew together in life's journey.


Part 1: Examine and analyze my current life

It's been a while since I slowed down and looked at my life properly. Through the worksheet provided in the book, we can quantify and examine our current life status from the four indicators of love, play, health, work, and health.
Like doing UX design, you need to understand the problem before solving it. At this stage, by quantifying your current life state, design a balanced plan for these four dimensions.

Love-play-work-health balance worksheet (from

Part 2: Create guidance for my life

After finding the problems, the next thing I have to do is clarify myself. What are my life goals and passions? This is a process of self-understanding, and the book provides two important values to help understand oneself: the value of work and the value of life.
First, The value of work is: "What does work mean to me? What is the meaning and value of it?" For future career planning, we need to understand the value of work to find a job that can achieve my purpose in the future.
The second is about the value of life. What is the meaning of life to me? I have to think about what makes life worthwhile. And what is the connection between me personally and others and other communities, and even wider to society?
Finally, compare the value of work with the value of life, and synthesize them to find the life guidelines that can be consistent between the two.

My value of work and life

Part 3: Find a way from daily life

To find a way and idea to develop, the book mentioned doing Good Time Journal: record work and daily flow in life. This can help me find passion and bring positive energy to my life. The journal should be detailed including AEIOU: Activities, Environments, Interactions, Objects and Users.

Good Time Journal
How might I get closer to what I want?

Part 4: Design Life Prototypes

By integrating the findings and insights from previous process, I first came up with an initial version of prototype. The point here is that the first version can be very vague and rough, since I can still modify it iteratively.

My life goal is to convey positive energy and warmth through art. The prototype I designed for practice and validation is to create a fan page on Facebook. Combining with my skills and experience in tennis, I tried to share some fun facts, knowledge and interesting stories about tennis on fan page. An important point is I make this information into illustrations and comics, which forces myself to stand out from comfort zone and share my works with public. This whole process is about using a smaller scope prototype, but with the same values as my life goal (convey positive energy and warmth through art).

As a designer, the design process is always an iterative cycle, the design is needed to be adjust dynamically. I did peer evaluation and fan page analysis to better know the reflection of every attempt.

Weekly feedback and iterative modification of prototypes
Final Presentation for my prototype testing and iterative design process

Odyssey Planning Worksheet (5 yrs plan)

The Odyssey Project requires 3 projects, namely:

A (As usual) plan: the original plan, that is, the plan that was originally in progress or had ideas.
Plan B (Breakthrough): Plan when Plan A is completely unfeasible.
C (Creative & Carefree) Plan: Living the life you want without considering other people's expectations, resources, time and money.

My 3 Odyssey Plans


About Design Thinking...

About Life...

Some parts can be designed and parts that cannot be designed in life. We cannot fully control everything in life, but designing our own life allows us to face these unknowns with a better attitude and status.

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett"

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